Search Results for: guided reading

a hand pointing at fluency drills

1st Grade Fluency Drills aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade and included heart words, temporary heart words and flash words.

Use these HMH Into Reading 1st Grade Structured Literacy fluency drills for 2 minutes daily in small group and send home for practice to build high frequency word fluency. With routine use, watch your students’ HMH Into Reading 1st Grade sight word fluency greatly improve! These words are organized by modules 1-12. The words are randomized on the drills so students are repeatedly reviewing their weekly words in random order. Print and file by the weekly lesson. Just grab and go!

a word search on a white paper

1st Grade Word Search aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade and included heart words, temporary heart words and flash words.

This HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy 1st Grade word search (high-frequency words, irregular words, decodable words) activity is a resource that your students will use all year long! Included are all HMH Into Reading 1st Grade Structured Literacy irregular and decodable words. These words are organized by modules 1-12. Print and organize by modules and weekly lessons (numbers are printed on each).

first grade refrigerator homework for spelling

1st Grade Refrigerator Homework aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade words.

These HMH Structured Literacy send-home refrigerator homework copies are for use all year long! Send home one sheet with all HMH Structured Literacy on-level, ready-for-more spelling, irregular. decodable, and vocabulary words for the week! These are organized by module and week (Modules 1-12 included). Print and organize by weekly lessons or modules. Print on the same color each week so parents can recognize them quickly each Monday and post on their refrigerator for daily practice.

a close-up of two spelling lists

1st Grade Spelling Lists aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Lit Ready for More

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade words.

Send these first-grade Ready for More Challenge spelling lists home weekly for students to study all week long with parent help. Post these Ready for More challenge spelling words all year long at centers for practice and have students keep an additional copy of their first-grade spelling words at their seats. These words are organized by modules 1-12. Print and file by the weekly spelling lesson. Just grab and go!

These Ready for More Challenge Lists are designed for 1st grade students who require more rigor with their weekly spelling words.

a spelling lists for first grade

1st Grade Spelling Lists aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Lit On Level

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade words.

Send these first-grade spelling lists home weekly for students to study all week long with parent help. Post these 1st-grade spelling words all year long at centers for practice and have students keep an additional copy of their first-grade spelling words at their seats. These words are organized by modules 1-12. Print and file by the weekly spelling lesson. Just grab and go!

build a word center cards

HMH Build a Word Center for 1st Grade Into Reading Structured Literacy

This product is aligned with HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy for 1st Grade words.

This Build a Word center is a resource that your students will use all year long! Included are all HMH Into Reading Structured Literacy 1st grade irregular and decodable words by module and week. These words are organized by module and week (Modules 1-12 included). Print and organize by weekly lessons or modules. Students can build words on the floor, at their seats, during guided reading lessons, and on a pocket chart.